Fear and Creativity


Transforming the Inner Fear Monster into a Golden Dragon of Wisdom

~ an online retreat with Josh & Veronika Bond ~

Part 1: Fear in its Element



Fear and Creativity don’t seem to have very much in common. At first sight it looks like they don’t get on very well together at all.

Fear is creepy and lives in dark places.

Fear makes us feel weak, vulnerable, and shaky.

Fear makes you want to fight for your life or run away from it.

Creativity, on the other hand, shines the light on our unique gifts and talents.

Creativity makes us feel special, original, and attractive.

Creativity makes you want to step into the arena of life and show the world who you truly are.

The closer we get to know these two characters, the more we discover that there is a true ‘yin-yang-relationship’ going on between them. Both have very strong personalities. They are a real ‘Inner Power Couple’.

Fear always contains a seed of creativity. Fear has the ability to spark off nightmare scenarios in our own minds. The horror stories produced by your own fear can feel so real that you believe them. They can even shape your reality.

Creativity always carries a seed of fear. At first it sparks innovation and excitement, of course, but the initial wave of enthusiasm is followed by feelings of anxiety.

We get nervous and wonder whether our creative surge will reach the shore. Creativity is known to produce fear of rejection, fear of criticism, fear of failure etc. And all of that is ultimately fear of not being allowed to be yourself.

This means there is often a battle going on between Fear and Creativity in the inner human world.

But it doesn’t have to be a battle. It could become constructive and cooperative teamwork.

In this session we explore the intimate relationship between Fear and Creativity.

Where does it come from?

When do you experience this fear-creativity-relationship in your own life?

How can you make this ‘Inner Power Couple’ work for you in beneficial ways?

FWF_1.2_Fear & Creativity.pdf
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