Blind Date With Fear


Transforming the Inner Fear Monster into a Golden Dragon of Wisdom

~ an online retreat with Josh & Veronika Bond ~

Part 1: Fear in its Element



We spend our lives believing that fear is a monster, and we have to be brave and face it.

We’ve been taught that fear has to be conquered, overcome, ignored, eliminated… and yet, no matter how much we try to get rid of it, fear is a notoriously loyal companion.

It creeps up on you in the most inconvenient moments. Why can’t it just go away?!

There is a good explanation for this. Once you truly understand what fear is trying to do for you, you will never have to suffer from fear again.

This doesn’t mean you will never experience fear, but you will learn to value it as a personal assistant.

Fear is a natural function of our Consciousness.The better we understand this function, the easier it is to handle it. Rather than letting it drive us to destruction, we can learn to use our fear to support us.

What does your relationship with fear look like?

Do you feel empowered by your fear?

Does it sometimes feel overwhelming or paralysing?

If you want to work with your inner Fear Monster, then you need to be clear about how you are getting on with each other (or not, as the case may be).

If you want to change your relationship with your fear, then it is up to you to take the initiative.

What would you like to change about this relationship?

What is troubling you most about it?

Are you scared of your own fear?

These are important questions.

What questions are coming up for you right now?

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